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Whole-bean specialty coffee from Guatemala, roasted in the Czech Republic by Father's Coffee. Light roast, perfect for filter coffee machines, drippers, Chemex, AeroPress, French Press, and other pour-over brewing methods. In taste you can expect hints of hazelnut, hibiscus, and elderberry.

Country: Guatemala
Region: La Libertad, Huehuetenango
Farm: Piedra Azul
Processing: Washed
Varietal: Caturra, Bourbon
Altitude: 1500 - 1800 m a.s.l.
Cupping score: 86 / 100 points

Coffee cherries are hand-picked based on ripeness and Brix level. After 24 hours of pre-fermentation in collection bags, the coffee is weighed, sorted, de-pulped and fermented for 15 to 24 hours depending on climatic conditions.

Drying takes 15 to 18 days, with the coffee being rotated regularly to ensure even drying. After processing, the coffee is stored in nylon bags. Each step from cultivation to export is carefully recorded in a software system to ensure traceability.

Water management on the farm is carried out with efficiency and sustainability in mind. Water used in coffee processing is reused and purified through filters and natural barriers before being reused in the fields. All water treatment complies with national standards.


15g of coffee to 250g of water. Water temp off boil. 5 pours, 50g each after 30 seconds. First pour at 00:00 last at 02:00. Brew finish should be around 03:00
Brand: Father's Coffee Roastery
Package: 250 g
Country of origin: Guatemala
Whole bean / Ground Coffee: Whole bean
Arabica / Robusta: 100% Arabica
Process: Washed
Roast level: light
Brewing method: Pour over (Alternative brewing methods)
Manufacturer's name and address: Father’s Coffee Roastery s.r.o., Mitrovická 128/66, Ostrava 72400 Czechy / Czech Republic
Index: 2101012474
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