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The famous oolong Da Hong Pao, also known as Big Red Robe, is a Chinese tea shrouded in many mysteries... and often poorly understood. And it's no wonder, as it has a truly convoluted history. The original mother bushes of this tea are probably the six most closely guarded tea bushes in the world. Tea is no longer produced from them, and the Da Hong Pao available everywhere is most often a blend of various rock tea cultivars.

Our offered Da Hong Pao comes from the Wuyi Mountains and is produced from a blend of various cultivars. The goal is to best capture the flavor of the original rock teas (yancha). It is a good quality tea, inviting slow exploration of the character of roasted oolongs. It's easy to find the highly desired mineral notes, as well as cocoa or fruity ones. It's worth noting that Da Hong Pao withstands a large number of infusions, so you can enjoy a single portion of leaves for a very long time.
Origin: Fujian, Chiny
Harvest: 2023
Profile: cocoa, rock salt, cherimoya fruit
Brand: Teasome
Tea type: oolong
Loose tea / Tea bags: loose
Package: 50 g
Manufacturer's name and address: Teasome sp. z o.o. ul. Miodowa 26/1.1 31-055 Kraków, Polska/Poland
Index: 2202000128
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