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"Sekrety kawy" is a beautifully published guide for coffee lovers and people who are fascinated by the black liquor. Marcin Rusnarczyk, Polish Champion of Baristas, will take you on an exciting journey into the world of coffee. This book is a great gift idea.

"The way of drinking coffee is a part of a lifestyle. What coffee we drink, how we prepare and serve it, reflects our pace of life and individual tastes. And the most important thing - do not drink coffee alone, as then you deprive yourself of half the pleasure. Offer some to your loved ones, friends or colleagues. They will be delighted - this is guaranteed, and it is possible that they would like to join the club of the "black gold" enthusiasts. With this book and the guidelines included, coffee drinking will never be the same again. The knowledge gained will let you enjoy its flavour and every drop. "

Language: Polish
The number of pages: 164.
Language: Polish
Index: 2801010021
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