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Jak działa kawiarka? Jak jej prawidłowo używać?

Kawiarka ma wiele imion — moka, kafetierka, mokka — jednak zawsze chodzi o urządzenie, które pozwala nam na przygotowanie esencjonalnej czarnej kawy w domu. Jak działa kawiarka?

Czym jest kawiarka i jak działa?

Kawiarka to dzieło włoskiego producenta wyrobów aluminiowych Alfonso Bialettiego, który wpadł na genialny pomysł, który zrewolucjonizował sposób w jaki pijmy kawę. Z potrzeby picia dobrej kawy w domu powstała popularna do dziś kawiarka. Zatem — kawiarka jak działa? Zasada jest banalnie prosta, moka składa się z trzech głównych części: dołu, do którego trafia woda, części na zmieloną kawę i góry z sitkiem i wylewką, do której trafia zaparzona i odcedzona kawa. Podgrzewana woda podnosi ciśnienie i przeciska się przez zmielone ziarna, wylatując przez wylewkę. Efekt? Bardzo mocna w smaku czarna kawa, przypominająca espresso.

Mała wielka rewolucja czyli tradycyjna kawiarka ciśnieniowa - jak działa?

Bialetti do dziś jest wiodącą marką wśród kawiarek, oferując zaparzacze we wszystkich kolorach i rozmiarach jakie tylko można sobie wymarzyć. Klasyczne kawiarki przystosowane są do działania na płytach grzewczych. Gaz lub indukcja podgrzewają wodę, która przechodzi przez ziarna, tworząc gęstą, czarną kawę. Kawiarka jak to działa krok po kroku?

  • Wlewamy wodę do dolnego pojemnika. Możemy użyć wody w temperaturze pokojowej lub już gorącej. Jaka ilość wody do kawiarki? Zawsze poniżej zaworku bezpieczeństwa.
  • Do sitka wsypujemy zmieloną kawę. Jak dużo kawy do kawiarki? Do pełna, ale nie ubijamy. I umieszczamy na dolnym pojemniku.
  • Skręcamy całość i stawiamy na źródło ciepła (kuchenkę gazową, indukcję itd).
  • Kiedy zaobserwujemy, że cieknący strumień zmienia kolor z brązowego na słomkowy i usłyszymy syczenie, zdejmujemy kawiarkę z źródła ciepła. Możemy ostudzić dolny pojemnik przelewając go strumieniem zimnej wody. Dzięki temu szybciej zatrzymamy ekstrakcję.
  • Przelewamy do filiżanek i gotowe!

Kawiarka elektryczna - jak działa?

Nieco unowocześnioną wersją kawiarki dla najbardziej zagorzałych fanów tego sposobu parzenia kawy jest kawiarka elektryczna. Jak działa? Bardzo podobnie do tradycyjnych kawiarek, jednak za podgrzanie wody odpowiada automatyczna płyta podłączona do sieci elektrycznej. Daje nam to możliwość picia kawy wszędzie tam gdzie nie mamy dostępu do płyty grzewczej na przykład w biurze, warsztacie lub pracowni.

Bialetti Moka Express Black 1tz

Manufacturer: BIALETTI

Moka Express Black is a refreshed version of most classic model made by Bialetti, the world's leading manufacturer of coffee makers. This is the coffee pot in its original colour that made the Italian manufacturer famous in 1930s. To this day it is the most popular moka model in the world, as more than 200 million pots have been produced so far. Bialetti Moka Express 1tz model is used to brew 1 cup of espresso at a time. The total capacity is 50 ml. To prepare true Italian espresso, you just need this coffee pot, good coffee and a few minutes! • Design: This cast aluminum coffee pot impresses with its quality. Its classic body, unchanged for decades, in a new colour will make an original element of every kitchen. The knob and additional handle made of black plastic provide comfortable handling and serving when your coffee is ready. Made in Italy. • Use: Bialetti Moka Express is suitable for gas or electric hobs. Put the product on the hob so that the handle is beyond the reach of heat. Wash your coffee pot by hand, without any detergents. Not dishwasher safe. Choosing the size of your coffee maker, keep in mind that every time you need to prepare the quantity of coffee specified by the manufacturer. • How does moka work? The coffee maker constists of a top sealed tank, a filter and a bottom tank. Put ground coffee beans in the filter, pour water into the bottom tank below the safety valve level and connect all the elements. Put the coffee pot on the stove and wait a few minutes. Hot water moves to the top tank, flowing through the ground beans. Your delicious and aromatic espresso is ready!
Bialetti - Primavera - Fiammetta 4tz Light Blue

Manufacturer: BIALETTI

Fiammetta Induction is the induction version of the most colorful series made by Bialetti, the world's leading manufacturer of coffee makers. Choose the color that suits you and make the preparation of your favorite coffee even more fun! Bialetti Fiammetta Induction 4tz brews 4 cups of espresso at a time (approx. 200ml). The total capacity is 220ml. To brew true Italian espresso, you just need this coffee pot, good coffee and a few minutes! • Design: Fiammetta Induction is the elegant combination of a classic coffee pot with an extravagant design. Choosing this coffee pot you chose a great tool for making coffee with unique aesthetics. The knob and additional handle made of black silicone provide comfortable handling and serving when your coffee is ready. The top tank of the coffee pot is aluminum and the bottom tank is made of steel. • Use: Bialetti Fiammetta Induction is suitable for gas, electric and induction hobs. Put the product on the hob so that the handle is beyond the reach of heat. Wash your coffee pot by hand, without any detergents. Not dishwasher safe. When choosing the size of your coffee maker, keep in mind that every time you need to prepare the quantity of coffee specified by the manufacturer. • How does moka work? The coffee maker consists of a top sealed tank, a filter and a bottom tank. Put ground coffee beans in the filter, pour water into the bottom tank below the safety valve level and connect all the elements. Put the coffee pot on the stove and wait a few minutes. Hot water moves to the top tank, flowing through the ground beans. Your delicious and aromatic espresso is ready!
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Bialetti Moka Timer 3tz - Electric coffee pot

Manufacturer: BIALETTI

Moka timer is a combination of tradition and modernity. It is an electric coffee pot modelled after the classic Bialetti Moka Express model. It allows you to set the time of automatic coffee brewing. No more mornings without coffee. Bialetti Moka Timer 3tz is used to brew 3 cups of espresso at a time. The total capacity is 150ml. To prepare true Italian espresso, you just need this coffee pot, good coffee and a few minutes! • Body: This cast aluminum coffee pot impresses with its quality. The classic shape modelled on Bialetti Moka Express. The base is made of plastic. • Use: The device is operated with the buttons on the front panel. The diode and acoustic signals indicate work of the device. The coffee pot should be washed by hand, without the use of detergents. Not dishwasher safe.  
Bialetti - Set Mini Express Induction 2tz Black + 2 Cups

Manufacturer: BIALETTI

Bialetti Set Mini Express Induction works exactly in a same way as classic Moka. However, it allows ou to brew your coffee in the extraordinary style on induction hobs. It's top part does not contain typical tank, it was substituted by a special platform where cups are placed directly. Model Bialetti Set Mini Express Induction 2tz model is used to brew 2 cups of espresso (about 45 ml each) at a time. To prepare true Italian espresso, you just need this coffee pot, good coffee and a few minutes! • Use: Bialetti Moka Express is suitable for all types of hobs, including induction. Wash your coffee pot by hand, without any detergents. Not dishwasher safe. • How does moka work? The coffee maker constists of a top platform, a filter and a bottom tank. Put ground coffee beans in the filter, pour water into the bottom tank below the safety valve level and connect all the elements. Put the coffee pot on the stove and wait a few minutes. Hot water moves to the cups on the platform, flowing through the ground beans. Your delicious and aromatic espresso is ready!
Bialetti Moka Express Red 3tz

Manufacturer: BIALETTI

Moka Express Red is a refreshed version of the most classic model made by Bialetti, the world's leading manufacturer of coffee makers. This is the coffee pot in its original colour that made the Italian manufacturer famous in 1930s. To this day it is the most popular moka model in the world, as more than 200 million pots have been produced so far. Bialetti Moka Express 3tz model is used to brew 3 cup of espresso at a time. The total capacity is 150 ml. To prepare true Italian espresso, you just need this coffee pot, good coffee and a few minutes! • Design: This cast aluminum coffee pot impresses with its quality. Its classic body, unchanged for decades, in a new colour will make an original element of every kitchen. The knob and additional handle made of black plastic provide comfortable handling and serving when your coffee is ready. Made in Italy. • Use: Bialetti Moka Express is suitable for gas or electric hobs. Put the product on the hob so that the handle is beyond the reach of heat. Wash your coffee pot by hand, without any detergents. Not dishwasher safe. Choosing the size of your coffee maker, keep in mind that every time you need to prepare the quantity of coffee specified by the manufacturer. • How does moka work? The coffee maker conststs of a top sealed tank, a filter and a bottom tank. Put ground coffee beans in the filter, pour water into the bottom tank below the safety valve level and connect all the elements. Put the coffee pot on the stove and wait a few minutes. Hot water moves to the top tank, flowing through the ground beans. Your delicious and aromatic espresso is ready!
Bialetti Rainbow 6tz Yellow

Manufacturer: BIALETTI

Rainbowis the most colorful series made by Bialetti, the world's leading manufacturer of coffee makers. Choose the color that suits you and make the preparation of your favorite coffee even more fun!  Bialetti Rainbow 6tz model is used to brew 6 cups of espresso at a time (approx. 50ml each). The total capacity is 300ml.   To brew true Italian espresso, you just need this coffee pot, good coffee and a few minutes! • Design: Rainbow is the elegant combination of a classic coffee pot with extravagant design. Chosing this coffee pot you chose a great tool for making coffee with unique aesthetics. Rainbow is available in several colors. The knob and additional handle made of black plastic provide comfortable handling and serving when your coffee is ready. • Use: Bialetti Rainbow is suitable for gas or electric hobs. Put the product on the hob so that the handle is beyond the reach of heat. Wash your coffee pot by hand, without any detergents. Not dishwasher safe. Choosing the size of your coffee maker, keep in mind that every time you need to prepare the quantity of coffee specified by the manufacturer. • How does moka work? The coffee maker constists of a top sealed tank, a filter and a bottom tank. Put ground coffee beans in the filter, pour water into the bottom tank below the safety valve level and connect all the elements. Put the coffee pot on the stove and wait a few minutes. Hot water moves to the top tank, flowing through the ground beans. Your delicious and aromatic espresso is ready!
Bialetti Rainbow 3tz Blue

Manufacturer: BIALETTI

Rainbow is the most colorful series made by Bialetti, the world's leading manufacturer of coffee makers. Choose the color that suits you and make the preparation of your favorite coffee even more fun!  Bialetti Rainbow 3tz model is used to brew 3 cups of espresso at a time (approx. 50ml each). The total capacity is 150ml.   To brew true Italian espresso, you just need this coffee pot, good coffee and a few minutes! • Design: Rainbow is the elegant combination of a classic coffee pot with extravagant design. Chosing this coffee pot you chose a great tool for making coffee with unique aesthetics. Rainbow is available in several colors. The knob and additional handle made of black plastic provide comfortable handling and serving when your coffee is ready. • Use: Bialetti Rainbow is suitable for gas or electric hobs. Put the product on the hob so that the handle is beyond the reach of heat. Wash your coffee pot by hand, without any detergents. Not dishwasher safe. Choosing the size of your coffee maker, keep in mind that every time you need to prepare the quantity of coffee specified by the manufacturer. • How does moka work? The coffee maker constists of a top sealed tank, a filter and a bottom tank. Put ground coffee beans in the filter, pour water into the bottom tank below the safety valve level and connect all the elements. Put the coffee pot on the stove and wait a few minutes. Hot water moves to the top tank, flowing through the ground beans. Your delicious and aromatic espresso is ready!
Bialetti Moka Express 18tz

Manufacturer: BIALETTI

Moka Express is the most classic model made by Bialetti, the world's leading manufacturer of coffee makers. This is the coffee pot that made the Italian manufacturer famous in 1930s. To this day it is the most popular moka model in the world, as more than 200 million pots have been produced so far. Bialetti Moka Express 18tz model is used to brew 18 cups of espresso at a time (about 800 ml). The total capacity is 885 ml. To prepare true Italian espresso, you just need this coffee pot, good coffee and a few minutes! • Design: This cast aluminum coffee pot impresses with its quality. The classic body, unchanged for decades, will make an original element of every kitchen. The knob and additional handle made of black plastic provide comfortable handling and serving when your coffee is ready. Made in Italy. • Use: Bialetti Moka Express is suitable for gas or electric hobs. Put the product on the hob so that the handle is beyond the reach of heat. Wash your coffee pot by hand, without any detergents. Not dishwasher safe. Choosing the size of your coffee maker, keep in mind that every time you need to prepare the quantity of coffee specified by the manufacturer. • How does moka work? The coffee maker constists of a top sealed tank, a filter and a bottom tank. Put ground coffee beans in the filter, pour water into the bottom tank below the safety valve level and connect all the elements. Put the coffee pot on the stove and wait a few minutes. Hot water moves to the top tank, flowing through the ground beans. Your delicious and aromatic espresso is ready!  
Bialetti Brikka Induction 4tz

Manufacturer: BIALETTI

Brikka Induction is an aluminum coffee pot with a special system which allows you to achieve wonderful consistency of coffee. This version can be used on induction hobs. A special valve creates crema impossible to be made using a regular coffee pot. he new version is equipped with a new column and a silicone membrane that creates thicker crema. New Brikka 4TZ is used to brew 4 cups of espresso at a time (approx. 170ml). The total capacity is 180ml. To prepare true Italian espresso, you just need this coffee pot, good coffee and a few minutes! • Design: This cast aluminum coffee pot impresses with its quality. Classic design and black plastic handle and knob. • Use: Bialetti Brikka is suitable for induction and othe types of hobs. Wash your coffee pot by hand, without any detergents. Not dishwasher safe. Choosing the size of your coffee maker, keep in mind that every time you need to prepare the quantity of coffee specified by the manufacturer. • How does a moka work? The coffee maker consists of a top sealed tank, a filter and a bottom tank. Put ground coffee beans in the filter, pour water into the bottom tank below the safety valve level and connect all the elements. Put the coffee pot on the stove and wait a few minutes. Hot water moves to the top tank, flowing through the ground beans. Your delicious and aromatic espresso is ready!
Bialetti New Moka Induction 4tz Red

Manufacturer: BIALETTI

New Moka Induction 4tz is a fantastic, elegant and solid model made by the coffee maker market leader - Bialetti. Its unique feature is the body made of steel and aluminum, which makes it suitable for all types of hobs, including induction. The new version is refreshed in terms of the design, has got a thicker wall of the boiler and offers new colourways. Moka Induction 4tz is used to brew 4 cups of espresso at a time (approx. 150ml of coffee). The total capacity is 180ml. To brew true Italian espresso, you just need this coffee pot, good coffee and a few minutes! • Design: Moka Induction is the elegant combination of a classic coffee pot with an extravagant design. Choosing this coffee pot you chose a great tool for making coffee with unique aesthetics. The knob and additional handle made of black silicone provide comfortable handling and serving when your coffee is ready. The top tank of the coffee pot is aluminum and the bottom tank is made of steel. • Use: Bialetti Moka Induction is suitable for gas, electric and induction hobs. Put the product on the hob so that the handle is beyond the reach of heat. Wash your coffee pot by hand, without any detergents. Not dishwasher safe. Choosing the size of your coffee maker, keep in mind that every time you need to prepare the quantity of coffee specified by the manufacturer. • How does moka work? The coffee maker consists of a top sealed tank, a filter and a bottom tank. Put ground coffee beans in the filter, pour water into the bottom tank below the safety valve level and connect all the elements. Put the coffee pot on the stove and wait a few minutes. Hot water moves to the top tank, flowing through the ground beans. Your delicious and aromatic espresso is ready!

Kawa z kawiarki - o czym warto pamiętać podczas parzenia?

Parzenie kawy za pomocą kawiarki nie jest trudną sztuką, jednak warto pamiętać o kilku ważnych kwestiach związanych ze specyfiką tego jak działa kawiarka do kawy:

  • Rozmiar ma znaczenie! Aby kawa zaparzyła się poprawnie zawsze musimy przygotować całą kawiarkę, nie ma opcji, że w rozmiarze 4tz zaparzymy tylko połowę, dlatego warto zastanowić się jak będzie optymalna dla nas kawiarka. Jak to działa? Oznaczenie tz odpowiada za filiżankę espresso czyli około 45 ml kawy zatem jeśli chcemy przygotowywać małą kawę tylko dla siebie rozmiary 1tz, 2tz i 3tz powinny być idealne, a jeśli szukamy kawiarki do przygotowania dwóch kaw to wybierzmy 4tz lub 6tz.
  • Uwaga na rączkę! Stawiając kawiarkę na płycie grzewczej szczególną uwagę zwróćcie na to, aby rączka była oddalona od źródła ciepła, a kawiarka była ustawiona dokładnie na środku palnika
  • Nie za drobno, nie za grubo —  jeśli zmielicie kawę zbyt drobno, kawiarka może się zatkać, jeśli zbyt grubo, kawa może być zbyt wodnista, a kawa z kawiarki powinna być gęsta i wyrazista, kilkukrotne przygotowanie kawiarki powinno pomóc Wam ustawić młynek na idealne ustawienie.

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