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Teministeriet – herbaty ze skandynawską nutą

Teministeriet po szwedzku oznacza Ministerstwo Herbaty. To skandynawska marka prosto z Malmo, łącząca długą tradycję z nowoczesnym, minimalistycznym stylem. Najwyższej jakości liście herbaty z wyjątkowymi dodatkami w postaci suszonych owoców, kwiatów i przypraw zamknięte są w wyjątkowych opakowaniach i puszkach.

W kolekcji herbat Teministeriet znajdziecie
klasyczne smaki, jak i nowoczesne mieszanki, które posmakują nawet najbardziej wymagającym herbaciarzom. Seria z Muminkami to najpopularniejsza kolekcja herbat, które oprócz tego, że świetnie smakują, to również uroczo wyglądają na kuchennej półce. W czarnych puszkach Teministeriet zamknął klasyczne i nowoczesne smaki, a w serii Supertea - napary dostarczające bombę witamin i antyoksydantów.

Nowością w herbacianym portfolio Teministeriet jest linia NOTE, czyli organiczne mieszanki ziołowe urozmaicone przyprawami i suszonymi owocami, które o każdej porze dnia przyniosą ukojenie.

Herbaty z Muminkami, czyli seria Teministeriet Moomin

Najbardziej urocza kolekcja herbat, która zdobywa serce wyjątkowym smakiem oraz opakowaniem. W kolekcji herbat Teministeriet Moomin znajdziecie puszki z postaciami serii o Muminkach. Mamy więc herbatki z Muminkiem, Małą Mi, Włóczykijem, a także Tatusiem i Mamusią Muminka. A co w środku? Najwyższej jakości herbaty - czarna, rooibos czy zielona w towarzystwie takich bohaterów, jak kwiaty pomarańczy. aksamitki, jagody goji, trawa cytrynowa czy owoce leśne. Daj się zaprosić w wyjątkową herbacianą podróż po krainie Muminków.

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Leave us your e-mail, we will let you know as soon as the selected product appears in the offer!

Leave us your e-mail, we will let you know as soon as the selected product appears in the offer!

Leave us your e-mail, we will let you know as soon as the selected product appears in the offer!

eministeriet - NOTE Lemongrass Thyme Organic - 20 Tea Bags


Teministeriet NOTE Lemongrass Thyme Organic is an herbal tea that offers a combination of organic, caffeine-free ingredients including the fresh flavors of lemongrass, sea buckthorn, and orange peel. Enjoy a cup of this all-natural tea for a naturally delicious experience.Ingredients: Lemongrass, Sea Buckthorn, Orange Peel, Rosemary, Natural Aroma, Pink Pepper, Parsley, Raspberry, Thyme.*Organic.Box: 20 pyramid sachets (20 x 1.5g).
Supertea - Variety Box - 32 Tea Bags


Supertea is a series of organic teas and herbs created by the Swedish brand Teministeriet. Supertea Variety Box Set for a wonderful box set that contains 4 different teas, 8 bags of each flavor (32 x 1.5 g). Perfect gift for good tasting tea! Types of teas in the package and ingredients: *Earl Gray Organic - black tea, natural aroma. *Lemongrass Ginger Organic - organic lemongrass (65%), ginger (35%). *Chamomile Thyme Organic - orange peel, licorice, cinnamon, peppermint, lemongrass, ginger, chamomile (4%), thyme (2%), basil, black pepper. *English Breakfast Organic - black tea Organic ingredients.
Supertea - Variety Box - 72 Tea Bags


Supertea is a series of organic teas and herbs created by the Swedish brand Teministeriet. Supertea Variety Box Set for a wonderful box set that contains 9 different teas, 8 bags of each flavor (72 x 1.5 g). Perfect gift for good tasting tea! Types of teas in the package and ingredients: *Apple Elderflower Organic - green tea with elderflowers, lemongrass, licorice, natural flavors, apple pieces (5%), elderflower (1%). *Aronia Berries Organic - green tea, hibiscus, licorice, natural flavors, chokeberry (6%), blueberries (3%), natural vanilla flavor *Chai Krishna Organic - black tea, cloves, black pepper, cardamom, cinnamon, ginger. *Green Tea Coconut Organic - green tea (93%), coconut pieces (5%), natural flavors. *Earl Gray Organic - black tea, natural flavors.. *Green Tea Mint Organic - green tea (85%), peppermint (14%), natural flavors. *Lemongrass Ginger Organic - organic lemongrass (65%), ginger (35%). *Liquorice Fennel Organic - licorice (36%), fennel (35%), cinnamon, peppermint, ginger, cardamom, cloves, black pepper. *Mrs. Gray Organic - black tea, orange peel, bergamot oil, natural flavors. Organic ingredients.
Teministeriet - 290 Green Apricot Peach Organic - Loose Tea 100g


Loose leaf tea collection by Swedish Teministeriet (Ministry of Tea). Loaded with natural ingredients, rich aroma and flavour!290 Green Apricot Peach Organic is a blend of organic green tea, marigold and pineapple, with the aroma of apricot and peach. Sweet, with mouth-watering aroma and full of healthy antioxidants.Brewing method:Temperature: 80 degrees CelsiusTime: 2 - 3 minutesIngredients:green tea* (90%), marigold blossom*, pineapple*, natural apricot aroma (2,5%), natural peach aroma (2,5%).*OrganicElegant tin makes it a great gift idea for every tea-lover!
Teministeriet - 290 Green Apricot Peach Organic - Loose Tea 100g - Refill


Loose leaf tea collection by Swedish Teministeriet (Ministry of Tea). Loaded with natural ingredients, rich aroma and flavour!290 Green Apricot Peach Organic is a blend of organic green tea, marigold and pineapple, with the aroma of apricot and peach. Sweet, with mouth-watering aroma and full of healthy antioxidants.Brewing method:Temperature: 80 degrees CelsiusTime: 2 - 3 minutesIngredients:green tea* (90%), marigold blossom*, pineapple*, natural apricot aroma (2,5%), natural peach aroma (2,5%).*Organic
Teministeriet - 150 White Elderflower Champagne - Loose Tea 15g


Loose leaf tea collection by Swedish Teministeriet (Ministry of Tea). Loaded with natural ingredients, rich aroma and flavour!150 White Elderflower Champagne is a blend of white tea with peach, and elderflower. Delicate, with a champagne-like aroma!Brewing method:Temperature: 70 degrees CelsiusTime: 2 - 4 minutesIngredients:white tea (50%), peach, elderflower (15%), natural flavour.Elegant tin makes it a great gift idea for every tea-lover!
Teministeriet - 150 White Elderflower Champagne - Loose Tea 250g


Loose leaf tea collection Teministeriet Horeca. Loaded with natural ingredients, rich aroma and flavour!150 White Elderflower Champagne is a blend of white tea with peach, and elderflower. Delicate, with a champagne-like aroma!Brewing method:Temperature: 70 degrees CelsiusTime: 2 - 4 minutesIngredients:white tea, peach, elderflower.
Teministeriet - 150 White Elderflower Champagne - Loose Tea 50g


Loose leaf tea collection by Swedish Teministeriet (Ministry of Tea). Loaded with natural ingredients, rich aroma and flavour!150 White Elderflower Champagne is a blend of white tea with peach, and elderflower. Delicate, with a champagne-like aroma!Brewing method:Temperature: 70 degrees CelsiusTime: 2 - 4 minutesIngredients:white tea (50%), peach, elderflower (15%), natural flavour.Elegant tin makes it a great gift idea for every tea-lover!
Teministeriet - 150 White Elderflower Champagne - Loose Tea 50g - Refill


Loose leaf tea collection by Swedish Teministeriet (Ministry of Tea). Loaded with natural ingredients, rich aroma and flavour!150 White Elderflower Champagne is a blend of white tea with peach, and elderflower. Delicate, with a champagne-like aroma!Brewing method:Temperature: 70 degrees CelsiusTime: 2 - 4 minutesIngredients:white tea (50%), peach, elderflower (15%), natural flavour.
Teministeriet - 160 White Mulberry - Loose Tea 15g


Loose leaf tea collection by Swedish Teministeriet (Ministry of Tea). Loaded with natural ingredients, rich aroma and flavour! 160 White Mulberry is a blend of white tea with papaya, apple, mulberry, marigold, jasmine, and cornflower. Delicate, with light sweetness and floral aroma. Brewing method: Temperature: 70 degrees Celsius Time: 2 - 4 minutes Ingredients: white tea (40%), papaya, apple, mulberry (7%), aroma,  marigold, jasmine, cornflower. Elegant tin makes it a great gift idea for every tea-lover!

Klasyczne herbaty od Teministeriet

Eleganckie i minimalistyczne puszki od Teministeriet skrywają wyjątkowe herbaciane mieszanki: klasycznego Earl Greya, zieloną z marokańską miętą czy białą herbatę z aromatem szampańskich bąbelków. Jeśli herbata się skończy, możesz dokupić opakowanie uzupełniające.

Herbaty Teministeriet Supertea

Supertea to po prostu super-herbata! Kolekcja zawiera serię organicznych herbat i ziół zamkniętych w biodegradowalnych saszetkach. Ogrom smaku, moc aromatów i prozdrowotne właściwości.
W kolekcji Supertea znajdziecie klasyczne zioła i przyprawy w wyjątkowych kombinacjach z kokosem, matchą czy kurkumą. Pij na ciepło i zimno.

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Leave us your e-mail, we will let you know as soon as the selected product appears in the offer!

Leave us your e-mail, we will let you know as soon as the selected product appears in the offer!

Leave us your e-mail, we will let you know as soon as the selected product appears in the offer!

eministeriet - NOTE Lemongrass Thyme Organic - 20 Tea Bags


Teministeriet NOTE Lemongrass Thyme Organic is an herbal tea that offers a combination of organic, caffeine-free ingredients including the fresh flavors of lemongrass, sea buckthorn, and orange peel. Enjoy a cup of this all-natural tea for a naturally delicious experience.Ingredients: Lemongrass, Sea Buckthorn, Orange Peel, Rosemary, Natural Aroma, Pink Pepper, Parsley, Raspberry, Thyme.*Organic.Box: 20 pyramid sachets (20 x 1.5g).
Supertea - Variety Box - 32 Tea Bags


Supertea is a series of organic teas and herbs created by the Swedish brand Teministeriet. Supertea Variety Box Set for a wonderful box set that contains 4 different teas, 8 bags of each flavor (32 x 1.5 g). Perfect gift for good tasting tea! Types of teas in the package and ingredients: *Earl Gray Organic - black tea, natural aroma. *Lemongrass Ginger Organic - organic lemongrass (65%), ginger (35%). *Chamomile Thyme Organic - orange peel, licorice, cinnamon, peppermint, lemongrass, ginger, chamomile (4%), thyme (2%), basil, black pepper. *English Breakfast Organic - black tea Organic ingredients.
Supertea - Variety Box - 72 Tea Bags


Supertea is a series of organic teas and herbs created by the Swedish brand Teministeriet. Supertea Variety Box Set for a wonderful box set that contains 9 different teas, 8 bags of each flavor (72 x 1.5 g). Perfect gift for good tasting tea! Types of teas in the package and ingredients: *Apple Elderflower Organic - green tea with elderflowers, lemongrass, licorice, natural flavors, apple pieces (5%), elderflower (1%). *Aronia Berries Organic - green tea, hibiscus, licorice, natural flavors, chokeberry (6%), blueberries (3%), natural vanilla flavor *Chai Krishna Organic - black tea, cloves, black pepper, cardamom, cinnamon, ginger. *Green Tea Coconut Organic - green tea (93%), coconut pieces (5%), natural flavors. *Earl Gray Organic - black tea, natural flavors.. *Green Tea Mint Organic - green tea (85%), peppermint (14%), natural flavors. *Lemongrass Ginger Organic - organic lemongrass (65%), ginger (35%). *Liquorice Fennel Organic - licorice (36%), fennel (35%), cinnamon, peppermint, ginger, cardamom, cloves, black pepper. *Mrs. Gray Organic - black tea, orange peel, bergamot oil, natural flavors. Organic ingredients.
Teministeriet - 290 Green Apricot Peach Organic - Loose Tea 100g


Loose leaf tea collection by Swedish Teministeriet (Ministry of Tea). Loaded with natural ingredients, rich aroma and flavour!290 Green Apricot Peach Organic is a blend of organic green tea, marigold and pineapple, with the aroma of apricot and peach. Sweet, with mouth-watering aroma and full of healthy antioxidants.Brewing method:Temperature: 80 degrees CelsiusTime: 2 - 3 minutesIngredients:green tea* (90%), marigold blossom*, pineapple*, natural apricot aroma (2,5%), natural peach aroma (2,5%).*OrganicElegant tin makes it a great gift idea for every tea-lover!
Teministeriet - 290 Green Apricot Peach Organic - Loose Tea 100g - Refill


Loose leaf tea collection by Swedish Teministeriet (Ministry of Tea). Loaded with natural ingredients, rich aroma and flavour!290 Green Apricot Peach Organic is a blend of organic green tea, marigold and pineapple, with the aroma of apricot and peach. Sweet, with mouth-watering aroma and full of healthy antioxidants.Brewing method:Temperature: 80 degrees CelsiusTime: 2 - 3 minutesIngredients:green tea* (90%), marigold blossom*, pineapple*, natural apricot aroma (2,5%), natural peach aroma (2,5%).*Organic
Teministeriet - 150 White Elderflower Champagne - Loose Tea 15g


Loose leaf tea collection by Swedish Teministeriet (Ministry of Tea). Loaded with natural ingredients, rich aroma and flavour!150 White Elderflower Champagne is a blend of white tea with peach, and elderflower. Delicate, with a champagne-like aroma!Brewing method:Temperature: 70 degrees CelsiusTime: 2 - 4 minutesIngredients:white tea (50%), peach, elderflower (15%), natural flavour.Elegant tin makes it a great gift idea for every tea-lover!
Teministeriet - 150 White Elderflower Champagne - Loose Tea 250g


Loose leaf tea collection Teministeriet Horeca. Loaded with natural ingredients, rich aroma and flavour!150 White Elderflower Champagne is a blend of white tea with peach, and elderflower. Delicate, with a champagne-like aroma!Brewing method:Temperature: 70 degrees CelsiusTime: 2 - 4 minutesIngredients:white tea, peach, elderflower.
Teministeriet - 150 White Elderflower Champagne - Loose Tea 50g


Loose leaf tea collection by Swedish Teministeriet (Ministry of Tea). Loaded with natural ingredients, rich aroma and flavour!150 White Elderflower Champagne is a blend of white tea with peach, and elderflower. Delicate, with a champagne-like aroma!Brewing method:Temperature: 70 degrees CelsiusTime: 2 - 4 minutesIngredients:white tea (50%), peach, elderflower (15%), natural flavour.Elegant tin makes it a great gift idea for every tea-lover!
Teministeriet - 150 White Elderflower Champagne - Loose Tea 50g - Refill


Loose leaf tea collection by Swedish Teministeriet (Ministry of Tea). Loaded with natural ingredients, rich aroma and flavour!150 White Elderflower Champagne is a blend of white tea with peach, and elderflower. Delicate, with a champagne-like aroma!Brewing method:Temperature: 70 degrees CelsiusTime: 2 - 4 minutesIngredients:white tea (50%), peach, elderflower (15%), natural flavour.
Teministeriet - 160 White Mulberry - Loose Tea 15g


Loose leaf tea collection by Swedish Teministeriet (Ministry of Tea). Loaded with natural ingredients, rich aroma and flavour! 160 White Mulberry is a blend of white tea with papaya, apple, mulberry, marigold, jasmine, and cornflower. Delicate, with light sweetness and floral aroma. Brewing method: Temperature: 70 degrees Celsius Time: 2 - 4 minutes Ingredients: white tea (40%), papaya, apple, mulberry (7%), aroma,  marigold, jasmine, cornflower. Elegant tin makes it a great gift idea for every tea-lover!

Nowość na półce: linia NOTE

NOTE to połączenie dwóch słów: Nordic i Tea. Teministeriet sięgnął do źródeł, czyli do skandynawskiej natury, w której królują zioła i kwiaty. Kolekcja NOTE to organiczne herbaty w piramidkach zamknięte w wygodnych papierowych opakowaniach. Doskonałe do picia na ciepło, jak i w formie odświeżającego cold brew latem.

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1 - 36 of 121 available products
Teministeriet - 150 White Elderflower Champagne - Loose Tea 50g


Loose leaf tea collection by Swedish Teministeriet (Ministry of Tea). Loaded with natural ingredients, rich aroma and flavour!150 White Elderflower Champagne is a blend of white tea with peach, and elderflower. Delicate, with a champagne-like aroma!Brewing method:Temperature: 70 degrees CelsiusTime: 2 - 4 minutesIngredients:white tea (50%), peach, elderflower (15%), natural flavour.Elegant tin makes it a great gift idea for every tea-lover!
Teministeriet - Moomin Rooibos Red Berries - Loose Tea 100g


Moomin is a loose leaf tea collection with various forest berries, made by Swedish Teministeriet (Ministry of Tea). Loaded with natural ingredients, rich aroma and flavour! Every sip is a little adventure in the Moominvalley!Rooibos Red Berries is a tea blend consisting of rooibos with currant, pineapple, papaya, rose petals, strawberries, and raspberries.Recommended brewing method:- Hot - water temperature: 100 degrees Celsius, brewing time: 5 - 8 minutes.- Cold Brew - pour the tea into cool water and refrigerate for 6 - 10 hours.Ingredients:rooibos, currant, flavouring, pineapple, papaya, rose petals, strawberries, raspberries.Elegant tin makes it a great gift idea for every tea-lover!
Teministeriet - Moomin Rooibos Cranberry - Loose Tea 100g


Moomin is a loose leaf tea collection with various forest berries, made by Swedish Teministeriet (Ministry of Tea). Loaded with natural ingredients, rich aroma and flavour! Every sip is a little adventure in the Moominvalley!Rooibos Cranberry is a tea blend consisting of rooibos with goji berries, dragon fruit, pineapple, papaya, cranberry, chokeberry, and kiwi.Recommended brewing method:- Hot - water temperature: 100 degrees Celsius, brewing time: 5 - 8 minutes.- Cold Brew - pour the tea into cool water and refrigerate for 6 - 10 hours.Ingredients:rooibos, goji berries, flavouring, dragon fruit, pineapple, papaya, cranberry, chokeberry, kiwi.Elegant tin makes it a great gift idea for every tea-lover!
Teministeriet - Supertea Green Tea Mint Organic - 20 Tea Bags


Supertea is a collection of organic blends of teas and herbs by Swedish Teministeriet. Each pack contains 20 individually wrapped sachets - biodegradable and environment-friendly. Loaded with natural ingredients, exquisite flavour and wonderful aroma.Green Tea Mint Organic is a blend of organic green tea and peppermint. Delicious and refreshing flavour comes together with healthy antioxidants.Brewing method:Temperature: 80 degrees CelsiusTime: 2 - 3 minutesDelicious as a cold brew as well!Ingredients:green tea*, peppermint*.*Organic.Its colourful package makes it a great gift idea for every tea-lover!
Teministeriet - 583 Black Earl Grey Creme - Loose Tea 100g - Refill


Loose leaf tea collection by Swedish Teministeriet (Ministry of Tea). Loaded with natural ingredients, rich aroma and flavour!583 Black Earl Grey Creme is black tea with cornflower blossom. An all-time classic with a twist! Brewing method:Temperature: 100 degrees CelsiusTime: 3 - 4 minutesIngredients:black tea (96%), aroma, cornflower blossoms.
Teministeriet - 531 Black Vanilla Chai - Loose Tea 100g - Refill


Loose leaf tea collection by Swedish Teministeriet (Ministry of Tea). Loaded with natural ingredients, rich aroma and flavour!531 Black Vanilla Chai is a blend of black tea, cinnamon, cardamom, ginger, orange peel, pink pepper, and vanilla. It smells, tastes, and looks amazing!Brewing method:Temperature: 100 degrees CelsiusTime: 3 - 4 minutesIngredients:black tea (70%), cinnamon, cardamom, ginger, orange peel, pink pepper, aroma, vanilla (1%).
Teministeriet - 531 Black Vanilla Chai - Loose Tea 100g


Loose leaf tea collection by Swedish Teministeriet (Ministry of Tea). Loaded with natural ingredients, rich aroma and flavour!531 Black Vanilla Chai is a blend of black tea, cinnamon, cardamom, ginger, orange peel, pink pepper, and vanilla. It smells, tastes, and looks amazing!Brewing method:Temperature: 100 degrees CelsiusTime: 3 - 4 minutesIngredients:black tea (70%), cinnamon, cardamom, ginger, orange peel, pink pepper, aroma, vanilla (1%).Elegant tin makes it a great gift idea for every tea-lover!
Teministeriet - Moomin Green Tea Raspberry - Loose Tea 100g


Moomin is a loose leaf tea collection with various forest berries, made by Swedish Teministeriet (Ministry of Tea). Loaded with natural ingredients, rich aroma and flavour! Every sip is a little adventure in the Moominvalley!Green Tea Raspberry is a green tea blend with currants, rose petals, pineapple, papaya, strawberry, and raspberry.Recommended brewing method:- Hot - water temperature: 80 degrees Celsius, brewing time: 2 - 3 minutes.- Cold Brew - pour the tea into cool water and refrigerate for 6 - 10 hours.Ingredients:green tea, currants, rose petals, flavouring, pineapple, papaya, strawberry, raspberry.Elegant tin makes it a great gift idea for every tea-lover!
Teministeriet - Moomin Papa Grey - Loose Tea 100g


Moomin is a leaf tea collection with various fruits, made by Swedish Teministeriet (Ministry of Tea). Loaded with natural ingredients, rich aroma and flavour! Every sip is a little adventure in the Moominvalley!Papa Grey is a black tea blend with orange peel.Recommended brewing method:- Hot - water temperature: 100 degrees Celsius, brewing time: 3 - 4 minutes.Ingredients:Black tea (98%), natural bergamot aroma with other natural aromas.Elegant tin makes it a great gift idea for every tea-lover!
Teministeriet - Moomin Green Tea Chokeberry - Loose Tea 100g


Moomin is a loose leaf tea collection with various forest berries, made by Swedish Teministeriet (Ministry of Tea). Loaded with natural ingredients, rich aroma and flavour! Every sip is a little adventure in the Moominvalley! Green Tea Chokeberry is a green tea blend with lemongrass, chokeberry, goji berries, sea buckthorn peel, and fig. Recommended brewing method: - Hot - water temperature: 80 degrees Celsius, brewing time: 2 - 3 minutes. - Cold Brew - pour the tea into cool water and refrigerate for 6 - 10 hours. Ingredients: green tea, lemongrass, chokeberry, goji berries, sea buckthorn peel, fig, flavouring. Elegant tin makes it a great gift idea for every tea-lover!
Teministeriet - Moomin Green Tea Chokeberry - Loose Tea 100g


Moomin is a loose leaf tea collection with various forest berries, made by Swedish Teministeriet (Ministry of Tea). Loaded with natural ingredients, rich aroma and flavour! Every sip is a little adventure in the Moominvalley!Green Tea Chokeberry is a green tea blend with lemongrass, chokeberry, goji berries, sea buckthorn peel, and fig.Recommended brewing method:- Hot - water temperature: 80 degrees Celsius, brewing time: 2 - 3 minutes.- Cold Brew - pour the tea into cool water and refrigerate for 6 - 10 hours.Ingredients:green tea, lemongrass, chokeberry, goji berries, sea buckthorn peel, fig, flavouring.Elegant tin makes it a great gift idea for every tea-lover!
Teministeriet - Moomin Mama Quince - Loose Tea 100g


Moomin is a leaf tea collection with various fruits, made by Swedish Teministeriet (Ministry of Tea). Loaded with natural ingredients, rich aroma and flavour! Every sip is a little adventure in the Moominvalley!Mama Quince is a black tea blend with quince.Recommended brewing method:- Hot - water temperature: 100 degrees Celsius, brewing time: 3 - 4 minutes.Ingredients:Black tea, apple, aroma, sunflower blossom.Elegant tin makes it a great gift idea for every tea-lover!
Teministeriet - 160 White Mulberry - Loose Tea 50g


Loose leaf tea collection by Swedish Teministeriet (Ministry of Tea). Loaded with natural ingredients, rich aroma and flavour! 160 White Mulberry is a blend of white tea with papaya, apple, mulberry, marigold, jasmine, and cornflower. Delicate, with light sweetness and floral aroma. Brewing method: Temperature: 70 degrees Celsius Time: 2 - 4 minutes Ingredients: white tea (40%), papaya, apple, mulberry (7%), aroma,  marigold, jasmine, cornflower. Elegant tin makes it a great gift idea for every tea-lover!
Teministeriet - Moomin Black Tea Mulberry - Loose Tea 100g


Moomin is a loose leaf tea collection with various forest berries, made by Swedish Teministeriet (Ministry of Tea). Loaded with natural ingredients, rich aroma and flavour! Every sip is a little adventure in the Moominvalley!Black Tea Mulberry is a black tea blend with melon, mulberry, orange blossom, and marigold blossom.Recommended brewing method:- Hot - water temperature: 100 degrees Celsius, brewing time: 3 - 4 minutes.- Cold Brew - pour the tea into cool water and refrigerate for 6 - 10 hours.Ingredients:black tea, melon, mulberry, flavouring, orange blossom, marigold blossom.Elegant tin makes it a great gift idea for every tea-lover!
Teministeriet - Moomin Rooibos Red Berries - Loose Tea 100g


Moomin is a loose leaf tea collection with various forest berries, made by Swedish Teministeriet (Ministry of Tea). Loaded with natural ingredients, rich aroma and flavour! Every sip is a little adventure in the Moominvalley! Rooibos Red Berries is a tea blend consisting of rooibos with currant, pineapple, papaya, rose petals, strawberries, and raspberries. Recommended brewing method: - Hot - water temperature: 100 degrees Celsius, brewing time: 5 - 8 minutes. - Cold Brew - pour the tea into cool water and refrigerate for 6 - 10 hours. Ingredients: rooibos, currant, flavouring pineapple, papaya, rose petals, strawberries, raspberries Elegant tin makes it a great gift idea for every tea-lover!
Teministeriet - Supertea English Breakfast Organic - 20 Tea Bags


Supertea is a collection of organic blends of teas and herbs by Swedish Teministeriet. Each pack contains 20 individually wrapped sachets - biodegradable and environment-friendly. Loaded with natural ingredients, exquisite flavour and wonderful aroma.English Breakfast Organic is pure organic black tea. A high-quality classic that never goes out of fashion. Brewing method:Temperature: 100 degrees CelsiusTime: 3 - 5 minutesDelicious as a cold brew as well!Ingredients:black tea*.*Organic.Its colourful package makes it a great gift idea for every tea-lover!
Teministeriet - 290 Green Apricot Peach Organic - Loose Tea 100g - Refill


Loose leaf tea collection by Swedish Teministeriet (Ministry of Tea). Loaded with natural ingredients, rich aroma and flavour!290 Green Apricot Peach Organic is a blend of organic green tea, marigold and pineapple, with the aroma of apricot and peach. Sweet, with mouth-watering aroma and full of healthy antioxidants.Brewing method:Temperature: 80 degrees CelsiusTime: 2 - 3 minutesIngredients:green tea* (90%), marigold blossom*, pineapple*, natural apricot aroma (2,5%), natural peach aroma (2,5%).*Organic
Teministeriet - 531 Black Vanilla Chai - Loose Tea 30g


Loose leaf tea collection by Swedish Teministeriet (Ministry of Tea). Loaded with natural ingredients, rich aroma and flavour!531 Black Vanilla Chai is a blend of black tea, cinnamon, cardamom, ginger, orange peel, pink pepper, and vanilla. It smells, tastes, and looks amazing!Brewing method:Temperature: 100 degrees CelsiusTime: 3 - 4 minutesIngredients:black tea (70%), cinnamon, cardamom, ginger, orange peel, pink pepper, aroma, vanilla (1%).Elegant tin makes it a great gift idea for every tea-lover!
Teministeriet - Supertea Liquorice Fennel Digest - 20 Tea Bags


Supertea is a collection of organic blends of teas and herbs by Swedish Teministeriet. Each pack contains 20 individually wrapped sachets - biodegradable and environment-friendly. Loaded with natural ingredients, exquisite flavour and wonderful aroma. Liquorice Fennel Digest is a blend of organic herbs - liquorice, fennel, cinnamon, peppermint, ginger, cardamom, cloves, and black pepper. It will calm your nerves and soothe your digestive system. Brewing method: Temperature: 100 degrees Celsius Time: 5 - 10 minutes Delicious as a cold brew as well! Ingredients: LIQUORICE*, fennel*, cinnamon*, peppermint*, ginger*, cardamom*, cloves*, black pepper*. *Organic. Its colourful package makes it a great gift idea for every tea-lover!
Teministeriet - 150 White Elderflower Champagne - Loose Tea 50g - Refill


Loose leaf tea collection by Swedish Teministeriet (Ministry of Tea). Loaded with natural ingredients, rich aroma and flavour!150 White Elderflower Champagne is a blend of white tea with peach, and elderflower. Delicate, with a champagne-like aroma!Brewing method:Temperature: 70 degrees CelsiusTime: 2 - 4 minutesIngredients:white tea (50%), peach, elderflower (15%), natural flavour.
Teministeriet - 535 Stockholm Breakfast - Loose Tea 100g - Refill


Loose leaf tea collection by Swedish Teministeriet (Ministry of Tea). Loaded with natural ingredients, rich aroma and flavour!535 Stockholm Breakfast is a black tea with vanilla. You will get addicted to its mouth-watering aroma!Brewing method:Temperature: 100 degrees CelsiusTime: 3 - 4 minutesIngredients:black tea, aroma, vanilla.
Teministeriet - 285 Green Ginger Lemon Organic - Loose Tea 100g


Loose leaf tea collection by Swedish Teministeriet (Ministry of Tea). Loaded with natural ingredients, rich aroma and flavour!285 Green Ginger Lemon Organic is a blend of organic green tea, ginger and lemongrass. Refreshing, energy-boosting and full of healthy antioxidants.Brewing method:Temperature: 80 degrees CelsiusTime: 2 - 3 minutesIngredients:green tea* (65%), ginger* (15%), lemongrass* (15%).*OrganicElegant tin makes it a great gift idea for every tea-lover!
Teministeriet - Supertea Green Tea Coconut Organic - 20 Tea Bags


Supertea is a collection of organic blends of teas and herbs by Swedish Teministeriet. Each pack contains 20 individually wrapped sachets - biodegradable and environment-friendly. Loaded with natural ingredients, exquisite flavour and wonderful aroma. Green Tea Coconut Organic is a blend of organic green tea and coconut. Reflreshing and exotic flavour comes together with healthy antioxidants. Brewing method: Temperature: 80 degrees Celsius Time: 2 - 3 minutes Delicious as a cold brew as well! Ingredients: green tea*, coconut pieces*, coconut flavour (2%). *Organic. Its colourful package makes it a great gift idea for every tea-lover!
Teministeriet - Supertea Green Tea Lemon Organic - 20 Tea Bags


Supertea is a collection of organic blends of teas and herbs by Swedish Teministeriet. Each pack contains 20 individually wrapped sachets - biodegradable and environment-friendly. Loaded with natural ingredients, exquisite flavour and wonderful aroma.Green Tea Lemon Organic is a blend of organic green tea and lemongrass. Delicious and refreshing flavour comes together with healthy antioxidants.Brewing method:Temperature: 80 degrees CelsiusTime: 2 - 3 minutesDelicious as a cold brew as well!Ingredients:green tea*, lemongrass*.*Organic.Its colourful package makes it a great gift idea for every tea-lover!
Teministeriet - 535 Stockholm Breakfast - Loose Tea 100g


Loose leaf tea collection by Swedish Teministeriet (Ministry of Tea). Loaded with natural ingredients, rich aroma and flavour! 535 Stockholm Breakfast is a black tea with vanilla. You will get addicted to its mouth-watering aroma! Brewing method: Temperature: 100 degrees Celsius Time: 3 - 4 minutes Ingredients: black tea, aroma, vanilla. Elegant tin makes it a great gift idea for every tea-lover!
Teministeriet - Moomin Green Tea Bilberry - Loose Tea 100g


Moomin is a loose leaf tea collection with various forest berries, made by Swedish Teministeriet (Ministry of Tea). Loaded with natural ingredients, rich aroma and flavour! Every sip is a little adventure in the Moominvalley!Green Tea Bilberry is a green tea blend with currants, blueberries, cornflower blossom, sunflower blossom, marigold blossom, and rose petals.Recommended brewing method:- Hot - water temperature: 80 degrees Celsius, brewing time: 2 - 3 minutes.- Cold Brew - pour the tea into cool water and refrigerate for 6 - 10 hours.Ingredients:green tea, currants, flavouring, blueberries, cornflower blossom, sunflower blossom, marigold blossom, rose petals.Elegant tin makes it a great gift idea for every tea-lover!
Teministeriet - Supertea Cinnamon Ginger Detox - 20 Tea Bags


Supertea is a collection of organic blends of teas and herbs by Swedish Teministeriet. Each pack contains 20 individually wrapped sachets - biodegradable and environment-friendly. Loaded with natural ingredients, exquisite flavour and wonderful aroma.Cinnamon Ginger Detox is a blend of organic herbs - cinnamon, liquorice, ginger, clove, and black pepper. This spice bomb will warm you up in an instant!Brewing method:Temperature: 100 degrees CelsiusTime: 5 - 10 minutesDelicious as a cold brew as well!Ingredients:cinnamon*, LIQUORICE*, ginger*, clove*, black pepper*.*Organic.Its colourful package makes it a great gift idea for every tea-lover!
Teministeriet - 580 Black Earl Grey Organic - Loose Tea 50g


Loose leaf tea collection by Swedish Teministeriet (Ministry of Tea). Loaded with natural ingredients, rich aroma and flavour!580 Black Earl Grey Organic is black tea from organic farms, with the aroma of bergamot. An all-time classic!Brewing method:Temperature: 100 degrees CelsiusTime: 3 - 4 minutesIngredients:black tea* (96%), natural bergamot aroma with other natural aromas.Elegant tin makes it a great gift idea for every tea-lover!
Teministeriet - 282 Green Sweet Bergamot - Loose Tea 100g


Loose leaf tea collection by Swedish Teministeriet (Ministry of Tea). Loaded with natural ingredients, rich aroma and flavour!282 Green Sweet Bergamot is a blend of green tea, rose, cornflower, sunflower blossom and bergamot. The flowers and bergamot create a pleasant aroma, and the green tea is full of healthy antioxidants.Brewing method:Temperature: 80 degrees CelsiusTime: 2 - 3 minutesIngredients:green tea (90%), rose, cornflower, sunflower blossom, natural bergamot aroma (3%), other natural aromas.Elegant tin makes it a great gift idea for every tea-lover!
Teministeriet - Supertea Ayurveda Restore Organic - 20 Tea Bags


Supertea is a collection of organic blends of teas and herbs by Swedish Teministeriet. Each pack contains 20 individually wrapped sachets - biodegradable and environment-friendly. Loaded with natural ingredients, exquisite flavour and wonderful aroma.Ayurveda Restore Organic is a blend of organic herbs - ginger, cinnamon, cardamom, clove, lime peel, and lemongrass. This spice bomb will warm you up in an instant!Brewing method:Temperature: 100 degrees CelsiusTime: 5 - 8 minutesDelicious as a cold brew as well!Ingredients:ginger*, cinnamon*, cardamom*, clove*, lime peel*, lemongrass*.*Organic.Its colourful package makes it a great gift idea for every tea-lover!
Teministeriet - Supertea Lemongrass Ginger Organic - 20 Tea Bags


Supertea is a collection of organic blends of teas and herbs by Swedish Teministeriet. Each pack contains 20 individually wrapped sachets - biodegradable and environment-friendly. Loaded with natural ingredients, exquisite flavour and wonderful aroma.Lemongrass Ginger Organic is a blend of organic lemongrass and ginger. Warming, refreshing, with a pleasant acidity.Brewing method:Temperature: 100 degrees CelsiusTime: 5 - 10 minutesDelicious as a cold brew as well!Ingredients:lemongrass*, ginger*.*Organic.Its colourful package makes it a great gift idea for every tea-lover!
Teministeriet - 160 White Mulberry - Loose Tea 50g - Refill


Loose leaf tea collection by Swedish Teministeriet (Ministry of Tea). Loaded with natural ingredients, rich aroma and flavour!160 White Mulberry is a blend of white tea with papaya, apple, mulberry, marigold, jasmine, and cornflower. Delicate, with light sweetness and floral aroma.Brewing method:Temperature: 70 degrees CelsiusTime: 2 - 4 minutesIngredients:white tea (40%), papaya, apple, mulberry (7%), aroma,  marigold, jasmine, cornflower.
Teministeriet - Supertea Rooted Passionfruit Organic - 20 Tea Bags


Supertea is a collection of organic blends of teas and herbs by Swedish Teministeriet. Each pack contains 20 individually wrapped sachets - biodegradable and environment-friendly. Loaded with natural ingredients, exquisite flavour and wonderful aroma. Rooted Passionfruit Organic is a blend of organic green tea, lemongrass, turmeric root, liquorice, and chicory root. Delicious flavour comes together with healthy antioxidants and superfood powers of turmeric. Loaded with deliciousness! Brewing method: Temperature: 80 degrees Celsius Time: 2 - 3 minutes Delicious as a cold brew as well! Ingredients: green tea*, lemongrass*, turmeric root*, LIQUORICE*, chicory root*, natural flavouring. *Organic. Its colourful package makes it a great gift idea for every tea-lover!
Teministeriet - Moomin Rooibos Cranberry - 20 Tea Bags


Moomin is tea collection with various forest berries, made by Swedish Teministeriet (Ministry of Tea). Loaded with natural ingredients, rich aroma and flavour! Every sip is a little adventure in the Moominvalley!Rooibos Cranberry is a tea blend consisting of rooibos with goji berries, dragon fruit, pineapple, papaya, cranberry, chokeberry, and kiwi.Recommended brewing method:- Hot - water temperature: 100 degrees Celsius, brewing time: 5 - 8 minutes.- Cold Brew - pour the tea into cool water and refrigerate for 6 - 10 hours.Ingredients:rooibos, goji berries, flavouring, dragon fruit, pineapple, papaya, cranberry, chokeberry, kiwi.
Teministeriet - Ayurveda Sleep Organic - Loose Tea 50g


Teministeriet Ayurveda Sleep Organic is a loose herbal infusion. Sleep is an all-natural herbal tea blend combining organic and caffeine-free ingredients to promote relaxation. Ayurveda and traditional herbal lore blends lemon balm, liquorice root, and rooibos to help you get more relaxed at night. Enjoy a cup of Sleep to get a better night's rest.Brewing method:Temperature: 100 degrees CelsiusTime: 5-10 minutesIngredients: Lemon Balm, Liquorice Root, Rooibos, Chamomile, Marigold Blossoms, Lavender, Natural Flavors.All from organic farming.
Teministeriet - 220 Green Moroccan Mint - Loose Tea 100g - Refill


Loose leaf tea collection by Swedish Teministeriet (Ministry of Tea). Loaded with natural ingredients, rich aroma and flavour!220 Green Moroccan Mint is a blend of green tea and peppermint. The Moroccan mint soothes the digestive system, and green tea is full of healthy antioxidants.Brewing method:Temperature: 80 degrees CelsiusTime: 2 - 3 minutesIngredients:green tea (84,6%), peppermint (15%), natural flavours.

Przyświeca im cel przełożenia zdobytej o herbacie wiedzy na praktykę i dostarczanie ludziom najlepszej herbaty pod słońcem.

Picie herbaty wysokiej jakości staje się coraz bardziej popularne, a Teministeriet Tea z pewnością do takich się zalicza. Po czym rozpoznać, że herbata lub susz będą naprawdę smaczne? Przede wszystkim należy zwrócić uwagę czy wiemy z jakiego regionu pochodzi herbata – powinniśmy znaleźć tę informację na opakowaniu lub stronie internetowej, po drugie warto jest przyjrzeć się jak wygląda susz. Jeśli widzicie całe listki herbaty, to znak, że po rozwinięciu w wodzie oddadzą naprawdę wspaniałe smaki. Herbaty owocowe Temiminsteriet nie zawierają sztucznych aromatów owocowych, ale całe liofilizowane owoce, które nadają wyjątkowego charakteru ich mieszankom.

W ofercie Teministeriet znajdziesz zarówno tradycyjne smaki, jak i nowoczesne mieszanki herbat, ziół, przypraw i superfoods. Ich klasyczne herbaty nawiązują do najlepszych tradycji picia herbaty, a ich autorskie mieszanki są wyrazem dużej wyobraźni, odwagi w łączeniu smaków i nawiązują do klimatów zimnej północy. Wśród herbaty Teministeriet odnajdziesz serię Moomin - herbaty z dodatkiem różnego rodzaju jagód nordyckich, dodatkowo opatrzoną popularnymi, uroczymi trollami prosto z Doliny Muminków. Serię Supertea - stworzoną z organicznych składników z myślą o wszystkich osobach, które w herbacie poszukują nie tylko przyjemnego smaku, ale również dobroczynnego działania różnych składników. Klasyczna seria Teministeriet w minimalistycznej, czarnej puszce to herbaty z różnych regionów i różnych gatunków od czarnych, przez zielone, po czerwone Roiboosy. Puszki Teministeriet są bardzo eleganckie i możemy je ponownie wykorzystać – wystarczy po skończeniu herbaty domówić jedynie papierowy wkład z daną herbatą.

Herbata Teministeriet doskonale nadaje się do parzenia na ciepło, ale nie gorzej sprawdzi się zaparzona na zimno. Herbatę cold brew zaparza się przez kilka godzin w zimnej wodzie co powoduje, że zyskuje ona zupełnie nowe oblicze niż w przypadku parzenia tradycyjnego. Taka herbata jest delikatniejsza, aksamitna, po prostu pyszna. Im lepsza herbata, tym lepsze i smaczniejsze cold brew. Taki napój to świetna alternatywa dla słodkich gazowanych napojów, doskonale sprawdza się jako ochłoda na ciepłe dni.

Dla kogo najlepiej sprawdzi herbata Teministeriet? Przede wszystkim dla herbaciarzy, którzy poszukują herbaty naprawdę wysokiej jakości oraz tych, którzy w herbacie szukają najlepszych smaków. Wyjątkowy, minimalistyczny design czyni Teministeriet herbatą idealną na prezent. Nieważne kogo obdarujesz – rodziców, przyjaciół czy dalszych znajomych, z pewnością każdy będzie zachwycony!