Like a boomerang question return to us – why coffee in Italy tastes better? Let’s try to figure it out easily.
It’s a fact – stereotype, which is alive in society sounds like that:
The best coffee is Italian coffee! (Society)
And how we could polemicize with that? Still everybody knows that Italians drinks coffee every morning in huge amounts, they order every morning in small bars un espresso, takes croissant in their hands and starts la conversazione with neighbour they’ve just met or does lettura some kind of gazzetta dello sport.
So, they cannot be wrong. They have to know the thing, otherwise they wouldn’t do that, would they?
In that moment The Author makes characteristic gesture with his hand.
Actually, when we are in Italy, a lot of coffees which we’ve never would like to drink, and looked at them with contempt, we drink it like sweet shots without blenching. In cup there is tarry, bitter, smoky, maybe with little chocolate hints, slovenly prepared, without any measuring or counting.
Even though, we’re looking for couple of cents in a wallet and we’re making an order for this espresso or cappuccino with ridged, unappetising foam. We’re taking it and going to narrow, old street or characteristic Italian plaza to slurping coffee.
You feel it, non è vero?
In that moment The Author even doesn’t gesticulate, and says with conventional, polish sigh.
When we open a bag with summer memories in the middle of winter (it doesn’t matter it has staying on a shelf almost half of the year), we bring it to espresso machine or mokka… Then… In a head we hear our scream and juicy daaaaaamn!
Suddenly we realize that this Italian coffee, this delicious coffee, it’s completely not what we’ve felt in Rome, Siena or Modena. With missing we’re looking if on a cup there was lipstick mark of some gorgeous Italian girl… No… There is only roomate’s greasy fingerprint, who ate lard and looked for his huge mug for his beloved instant coffee.
Sad reality, brutal daily.
Italian climate
It’s the same happen with prosciutto, bottle of wine, cheese or with box of chocolates. It doesn’t give you a whole climate of travel across Italy, where feeling of vacation idyll is with us even in rush hours in public transport in the center of Rome. Even then it makes us happy, while if there is our city like Warsaw, London or Berlin we’re angry and frustrated, during embracing our asaps and deadlines.
Otherwise, some Well Known Coffee Person says, when we discussed about this topic, something very accurate…
Guys, have you ever drunk coffee in Italy as a sober?! (Well Known Coffee Person)
Well… I’ve drunk, but I think it would be a good way to drink not necessarily fine coffee in better mood?
So, unfortunately, if something tasted better in Italy it didn’t have to taste well in our homeland. Italian coffees characterised by strong, dark roast, what means high bitterness and not interesting taste – flat, sharp and spicy.
It doesn’t mean that for Italian market comes better coffee and for others worse. Even if we spoke about large, industrial, worldwide roasteries. Everywhere we’ve got the same things, and with modern logistic, even as fresh as possible (what is depends on wholesales and shops).
So, if you’re fans of Italian coffee and you liked this taste profiles (but I strongly encourage you to grab other coffees from European roasteries), unfortunately, I have to disappoint you. If you’d like to drink coffee which taste as same as in Italy, you have to move there every morning to drink and slurp it. Then you could come back and start your day. I can’t see any other options.
Title photo: Adobe Stock / ronnybas